Friday, September 24, 2004

Boldly going where many have gone before

So, I have decided to give Blogger a try. Mostly due to the fact that I don't really want to pay another $100 for the next year just to blog. I mean I love blogging but why should I pay for something when I can get it for free.? Like your mom always said, "they don't buy the cow when they get the milk for free." So here I am drinking the free milk. The only question I have left is this, am I drinking organic milk or is it that hormone filled stuff? Huh? So, yeah. Expect more of the same that you got on the ol' metajaleh site on this new metajaleh site.


Unknown said...

Make the switch! Make the switch!

Beth said...

come over to the dark side with us,'s not so bad!

Anonymous said...

I like poo poo sandwiches.

Unknown said...

PS: Lone Dissenter is on your list of Daily Stops and yours truly isn't? I know I don't update constantly, but damn...that's harsh. ;) (No offense, Mike.)

Jalehlabad said...

Sorry, Ali P. You got lost in the shuffle of things. You are there now and I promise that you weren't left off on purpose. Forgive me!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

None taken. I jus wish you all would get working RSS feeds so I can aggregate them on my Google homepage.
