Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Howdy Doody

So, last night I watched what some call "The Trilogy" of Gilmore Girls episodes with Robyn. The trilogy contains Luke Can See Her Face; Last Week Fights, This Week Tights; and Raincoats and Recipes. It's kind of fun to watch Gilmore Girls with someone who doesn't really know what it going to happen. She didn't know about the icky Rory/Dean hookup; as I sit there with my head down willing it to not happen. I have to say her anger at the abrupt ending of season four mirrored my own. So, that was a bit of a relief.

I think next time she might watch some Buffy with me. I think she likes that I have no clue what is going to happen next. As a side note, B-Mart, the next episode I get to watch is Dopplegangland so I basically ignored that whole post you wrote because I don't want to be spoiled. I have to say though, that I really never liked Faith at all. In fact, from the moment she called Buffy, "B", I was out. Not impressed one little bit by her. Anyway, I am interested to see what the end of season three will bring.

Hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving.


Beth said...

But that's kind of the point...you're not supposed to like Faith, b/c she is what Buffy could have become if she didn't have her friends around her...but I still love to hate her. I don't know. She totally grew on me. Especially in Angel, and then when she returns to Buffy in Season 7. Anyway, it's all 5x5. Heh.

Once you do watch Dopplegangland, you must comment on my post! I don't think I gave away any major spoilers or anything.

Hope you enjoy it!

Jalehlabad said...

I know you aren't supposed to like Faith. And, I know that she is supposed to represent what Buffy could be. But still, she grates. I mean, I don't even love to hate her. I just think she should shut up.

Beth said...

Touche. To each their own I suppose.

Unknown said...

If I had television reception, you can bet that I'd post more comments on your blog.