Friday, April 04, 2008

Even more BSG

Bill really shouldn't read this coverage of an event found on TWoP. While I thought it could have been written better, it's still a fun little article. I think my favorite quote in the whole thing comes from Aaron Douglas (aka Chief Gaylen Tyrol),"Hillary's the final cylon." HEE!

Since emersing myself in the marathon reruns of BSG seasons one and two I have been having dream after dream about BSG. Sometimes I am Starbuck, sometimes I am Roslin. But it's fun either way. Six hours, baby!


Unknown said...

I have BSG dreams, too! We don't have SciFi, so I haven't seen it yet, but when I get home from work today I'm downloading it from Can't wait!

Beth said...

Go read Karin's post about the epi. It was a great analysis!