Thursday, August 14, 2008

This glass is half full of anger

So, I really need to vent. I mean big time vent. About a couple of things actually. So, first things first. I had been driving around on expired plates because the state of Missouri forgot to send me a reminder that my plates were expired. I don't check my plates too regularly so I kind of depend on the state to remind me of such things. And you know, you think they would remind you as they like to take my money as it is. Anyway, I went and jumped through all the hoops that one has to jump through to get a new sticker. And last Saturday I went to the DMV to get my sticker. Only, the incompetent fools at the DMV couldn't fucking figure it out. They say I am not in the system; they don't believe I even have Missouri plates even when I show them the receipt for said plates from last year. They tell me that THEY MUST SPEAK TO SOMEONE AT THE CAPITOL and that I need to come back during the week. Fine. Am I pissed? Yes, but at this point I've only been to the DMV once, as opposed the five times I had to go last year due to incompetence on their part, so I resolve to go back on Thursday (today) when I am on vacation.

Okay, so then part two factors in. I have a whole host of new neighbors. The one thing I like about my complex is the off street parking. But now that we have 2 couples living in the building we have six cars and five spots. I think you can see where I am going here. So, I call my landlord to ask is it supposed to be first come first serve or do we say that each apartment gets a spot and the multiple cars rotate in the extra spot. Well, apparently the "fair" thing according to the landlord is first come first serve. Which, I am sorry is bullshit. I think each apartment should have a spot. Anyway, I come home last night to find that one of my new neighbors has decided to park like a fucking moron and take up two spots. So, I had to park on the street for the first time since I have moved here. I was (am) fucking pissed. So, this morning I walk out to my car to find two tickets waiting for me. One for expired plates (valid but onlybecause the DMV sucks) and one for an invalid inspection (which is bullshit and I am fighting).

So, I get in my car and head to the DMV and I am already livid at getting these tickets which I would not have gotten had the bitch downstairs fucking parked straight. At the DMV, I end up with the same girl I had on Saturday. I remind her about Saturday and she starts the process. Only guess what? She actually didn't have to call Jeff City. She just gives me new plates (because Missouri redesigned their plates). So, at this point I fucking lose it. I mean I LOSE IT. I turn to this idiot and ask her why she couldn't have just given me plates on Saturday. And she gives me some bullshit about being new. Then I tell her that thanks to her being a fucking moron I got two tickets and I ask if she wants to pay for them. She declines. So, fine I leave with my plates and tell her that the DMV needs to get it's head out of it's ass.

But I feel a little bad. Like that girl probably did not deserve my anger directly pointed at her. But my god. I am just so angry. I want to fucking punch something. Or better yet. I want to go shoot my new gun. Actually, that's not a bad idea. If only I had time for that today.


Beth said...

Dude. You are that scary patron who yells at us when it's not our fault!!!

But the DMV is always composed of fucking morons, so it's okay in that case I think. ;)

Go back and read GMYH's saga about his parking tix and that might make you feel a tiny bit better...

What I'd be the most pissed off about is the parking spot thing. I get pissed enough when some fucker is parked in my assigned spot, and it is assigned. I would be so frustrated, like you, at the first-come-first-served deal. That's bullshit. Tell him B-Mart thinks he's an idiot.

Jalehlabad said...

I do feel bad about being the scary patron. But ah. The incompetence! Sigh.

Anonymous said...

As Beth pointed out we feel your pain.. we direct all of our rage towards the city of Chicago parking operations, who appear to tie Missouri's DMV for incompetency.

Anonymous said...

Why stand on a silent platform? Fight the war. Fuck the norm.

Unknown said...

You bought a gun? What kind?

Also, about the parking thing: when I lived in B-ton, there were four apartments and ~three spots. The couple that lived there just parked behind each other.

Next time you could do one of two things: (1) knock on doors to see who's car it is and ask them to move it. (2) Leave a note on the windshield that's vaguely threatening. If that doesn't work, start shooting tires.

Beth said...

Yeah...I don't know how my mind brushed over the fact that YOU HAVE A GUN NOW? What's the story on that, Jalsters? Was it legally procured? ;) We need deets!