Monday, February 04, 2008

The Ties That Bind

Thanks to GMYH I was compelled to watch The O.C. in syndication on SoapNet. Now, I've seen the series twice through now and I am working my way through round three. Don't judge me; there is a writers strike going on.

Anyway, I am continually amazed at how the final episode of season one makes me sob for the last 15 minutes. It's the perfect, sad culmination of a wonderful season. And it makes me cry. The Gruesome Twosome get married. Ryan finds out Teresa is preggers and chooses to leave his new life behind to care for his (possible) unborn child. Marissa hits the bottle again. Seth, in a wave of great despair, runs away because he lost his only friend (which I think is a misnomer because Anna was also his friend). Then we have the terriibly sad scene where Ryan tries to say goodbye to Seth. And when Kirsten loses it while gathering up the sheets in the pool house. OMG, the tears, they flow. It's like I can't help myself. All the while Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah is playing over it all.

What I never understand about this episode is why the fact that the baby might not eve be Ryan's is not pounded home a little more. I mean, dude, chances are it's Eddie's baby because Ryan and Teresa had sex maybe three times. That's all I am saying. Also, Sandy Cohen and his eyebrows have some of the funniest lines in this episode.

Anyway, while I think The O.C. has a great four season run; the first season is the most amazing of them all.


Anonymous said...

I'm sobbing at my desk just thinking about it.

I also don't know why they didn't explore the fact that the baby could have been Eddie's. Maybe they figured that this is just what Ryan would have done, regardless. And they never actually resolved whether it was Ryan's baby or not. I was always waiting for that ball to drop.

Personally, I think the 2nd season was the best season, but that's just me. After all, it did have the "Rainy Day Women" episode, which at least one publication has labeled as the greatest episode in television history.

I miss The OC.

Jalehlabad said...

Well, I did like large swaths of season two. Like Ryan and Lindsay; I always thought they were rather cute together. But then there were th things I hated, like Sandy and Rebecca Bloom and Caleb dying. Caleb was such a fun villan to have around. Anyway, I have recently begun to think that I need to get the box set. Do you have that?

Anonymous said...

Not yet. I also need to get it. I was working at home yesterday, and I watched the 2nd episode from the 2nd season, which introduces Lindsay, as well as Zack. Good stuff.