Thursday, July 03, 2008

For the first time ever...

I am sad I couldn't make it to the ALA Annual meeting. Because if I had made it to ALA, I would have stood in line all day just to meet John Green and have him tell me I am made of awesome. Of course, I probably would have acted like a crazy stalker and made him uncomfortable but I would have gotten a picture and it would have been my screen saver and I most likely would have asked to meet me for a beer. Alas, none of that happened. Maybe next year. Beth, do you think we could handle that?

I am however, off to Bloomington for the first time since I moved to STL. I can hardly believe it's been 2.5 years since I have been to that beloved, home of Meg Cabot and the Indiana Hoosiers, town. I am so excited that I just don't know what to do first. Nicks? Kilroys? Upstairs? Blue Bird? Rockits? Samira? The Lion? DO YOU SEE MY DILEMMA?!?!?!

I hope you all have a very fun and safe July 4th.

1 comment:

Beth said...

So where all did you go? I must hear all about it! It's been ages since I've been there, too!

And the answer is a resounding yes--if you can swing ALA next year, I'm your roomie/co-Greenstalker. No need to ask twice.