Monday, January 09, 2006

Music and NYC

I have been gone for a while, haven't I? Sorry. I didn't mean to be; it's just that life happened and such. You all know how that goes.

Anyway, NYC was awesome for the most part. I got to see lots of really cool things and see some great friends. But mostly, I don't really want to write about the trip itself because while it was great and fab; it was also not great and not fab. If I wrote all the things I really thought and felt it would probably hurt someone (some of you know the story and some of you will hear all about it in a few weeks) and so I will just say that my love affair with NYC has only just begun. I plan on a return trip sometime this summer. Anyone who I've traveled with before can come along.

Mostly, I want to talk about two cds that I have been listening to a lot these days. Ryan Adams' cd Gold was my NYC soundtrack. I listened to it for days before leaving and I listened on the subways of NYC and I am listening to it right now. I don't know why this disc makes me think of NYC. Maybe it's because of the Felicity connection (my love of Felicity knows few boundaries); maybe it's the fact that there is a song called New York, New York on the cd; maybe it's the fact that it was released on Sept. 11 (which I only recently found out). I don't know why it is but there are some seriously beautiful songs on this disc. If you haven't heard it and want to give it a try, call me and I will fix you up. If I was forced to pick my favorite songs on the disc, I would choose La Cienga Just Smiled; Gonna Make You Love Me; Somehow, Someday and New York, New York. Anyway, I just loved Ryan Adams. I don't care if he is a pompous, asshole in real life; he makes good music.

The other cd that has taken over my life is Sufjan Steven's Illinois. Being a native Illini, I can only love a cd that has a song called Decatur (that's the city where we had many a track meet). Plus, he totally gives props to Squater's hometown in Jacksonville. I think the only thing that could have made this cd better is if he'd written a song about the cougar that used to live on SIUE's campus. I remember visiting the cougar when I was little. Anyway, there are some seriously great songs on this disc too. Check out the songs Chicago, John Wayne Gacy Jr., and Casimir Pulaski Day.

Happy Listening.


Beth said...

So shady with the mysterious trip talk! You must fill me in later. Glad you (generally) enjoyed NYC, though! Makes me wanna go back very soon.

Hey, am just realizing I'll see you in a few short weeks! And then...again a few weeks after that for your b-day! Yay!

Anonymous said...

I, too, want to hear all about your trip, but also just realized that I'll see you in only a couple weeks! Yippie!