Thursday, January 12, 2006

Shut up, Santino

Yes, I know that Lost was new last night and that we got Mr. Eko's back story and that he looks even hotter without the beard but what I want to talk about is Project Runway.

I became a Project Runway addict last year when Bravo had one of their many marathon showings of this delightful reality show. I have to say I'm hooked. Just hearing the name Wendy Pepper makes me laugh devilishly and think of nut jobs. The second season has been very good too. I am loving me some Chloe and Daniel V. (tho, is the V. necessary anymore since Daniel F. is gone?). Daniel V. is yummy and he makes such nice clothes. Santino, who is very talented, is my Wendy Pepper this season. He annoys the shit out of me. I mean, what is up with the pirate hair? And the seriously abrasive attitude on the runway? Just not professional at all. I thought Michael Kors was going to freak on him last night when he said more women know Banana Republic than Michael Kors. Well, that is true but you don't say that when he is judging you and can kick your ass and, more importantly, Nick's ass off the show. For a split second I thought he was going to get Nick kicked out and I got mad because in my mind the perfect final three are Nick, Chloe, and Daniel V. I would be hard pressed to pick a winner between those three choices. Anyway, back to my Santino rant...Look, yes, he's got serious talent. But he's a complete jerk with an inflated sense of ego and he just mocks people for no reason at all. I mean, hating Diana? What? The girl is like a slice of pie, for crying out loud. If you want to hate someone go with Zulema or Emmett (although, I guess he does already hate Emmett). Anyway, I just want him to shut the hell up.

One more thing, Marla. I am so glad to see her go. She was dead weight but I seriously could not understand all of her complaints about Diana's design. What did you come up with Copycat Marla? Huh? Yeah, thar's what I thought. Bye bye!

Wow, this post makes me sound all angry and aggressive but I'm not. I just think that there are people in this world who take themselves a bit too seriously. Santino, of the bad, Pirate haired Santino's, I am looking at you.


Roll The Dice said...

Would you please get outta my brain and stop writing EXACTLY what I think of Project Runway?? It's freaky! ;-) I'm right with ya, sista...if I came to those final three, though, I'd have to back my boy Nick. He's just darling. :-)

Beth said...

I have a hard time choosing a favorite between Nick, Daniel, and Chloe...Nick is the best uncle EVER but Daniel has that fabulous hair...and Chloe is just great and unique with her designs.

Jalehlabad said...

You know, I just really don't know who I would pick if it was those three. I love everything Chloe has designed even though I could wear none of it. And, Nick is super funny; wouldn't he be a hoot to hang out with? Daniel V. is just too cute for words. And I really loved that Banana Republic dress. It was super cute and stylish and worked for several different body types.

Sorry for being in your bead, darling Marissa. What can I say? Great minds must think alike.

Unknown said...

I'm rooting for Santino. He's an asshole, but I am most attracted to his designs. I think he fits the bill of "fashion designer" best.