Friday, April 21, 2006

A day late

Oops. What can I say? I had things to do yesterday. That does not mean that I didn't watch Alias. In fact, it was pretty damn awesome. B-Mart alluded to some good things over on her blog.

First of all, making it a two hour extravaganza was perfect. I am not caring so much about the missed Lost. Okay, here is the breakdown...

The Great:

Spy Family goodness! I love it when they get to spy it up together. It was such a good reminder of season 2. Sigh. And then Syd finding out about SpyMommy's betrayal. Even bigger sigh. You knew it had to happen.

"You can't be a mother and an agent. Watch me."

Is Tom EVIL? I don't know but I am dying to find out.

Marshall figuring out the code. Hee! I love Marshall.

Weiss! Weiss! AgentSean is the best.

VAUGHN IS ALIVE. I knew it. No one dies on this show, except Lauren. Thank goodness that bitch is dead.

The Good:

Okay, I was totally creeped out by that fake hospital on the ship. Irina, why totally freak out your child?

Peyton's nondeath. Although, Jack should have shot her in the head a few times just to make sure she was dead.

EvilSloane. What's not to like about Uncle Inappropriate?

The Bad:

There was no bad. Alias is back, baby.

Oh except, what is that baby's name?

Next Week: WILL!

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