Thursday, April 27, 2006

I don't know why I feel compelled to post

I don't really have much to say. Life has been pretty boring and yet I feel like I should say something in this space. I would talk about Alias but, from the lack of commenting, no one seems to care. Which brings me to last night's Social Club.

Apparently, my participation in last week's Wednesday Night Social Club was debated after I left. Apparently, I am some freak of nature because rather than have "human interaction" I went home to watch Alias. Apparently, I am a bad person because of this. Since you all know me and my obsession with Alias, I had to defend myself. Which I have to say, kind of pisses me off.

Don't get me wrong; I really enjoy Wednesday Night Social Club. I think all those people are super cool and fun but they are mere mortals. On Alias, well, people don't die. And people are cloned. And there are hot guys. And serious back stabbing and intrigue. And SpyDaddy kicking ass. And for 45 minutes I don't have to talk or think about work. Or how much I hate living in such a small place. Or how I miss culture and diversity. Or all the other reasons I have for wishing I didn't live here.

Now, I didn't say all these things as my defense because, honestly, these people are all married with kids so how can they relate to what it's like to be single here. They just can't. So, instead I said something to the effect of, "Look. Alias is going to be on for four more weeks. I don't really care if you think I am a freak. In fact, I am such a freak that I have rewatched the episode two more times. And now, I am going to go home and watch the new episode so I can email my friend, B-Mart tomorrow and we can squee like fan girls." Oh and, piss off. Kinda sound like me, no?

1 comment:

Beth said...

First of all, they have no right to judge you. Different interests do not equal wrong interests. Second, spending large amounts of time 'socializing' with 'people' can be highly overrated. Sometimes a gal needs time to herself, and if that involves watching some high-quality (or even not-as-high-quality) TV, then so be it. Third, they can bite me, too. I have heard that kind of criticism before, too, and it never fails to bug the crap out of me.

So how 'bout that Alias? What do we think of Ana becoming a Syd clone? And, wha?! Did we know that Syd and Spy Daddy knew that Vaughn was alive, or did they just slip that in like I think they did? So excited that Sloan is going to be full-blown evil for the rest of the eps.