Tuesday, April 11, 2006

It's been a year...

So, a year ago I decided to make some changes in my life regarding health issues. I dedicated myself to eating better and working out. And, for the most part, I have done that. We all have bumps in the road and losing weight is one of the hardest thing to do. It takes serious determination and slacking isn't tolerated.

Lately, I had fallen off the workout/good diet habits wagon. I was in a bit of personal funk in late February and then came the sickness that shall not be named. Then my grandma died. What can I say? I am a stress eater. It happens.

Anyway, I am proud to say that I have lost 34 pounds* this last year. I didn't reach my goal but I have accepted that and moved on to my next goal. My new goal is an upcoming, in 6 weeks, 5k walk/run. I am going to attempt to jog the whole thing but we will see.

I only returned to the gym yesterday and it was, in a word, brutal. I had forgotten how easy it is to lose all the gains you made. I had been jogging for almost two miles and now, well, I am not close to that anymore. Alas, all there is for me to do is to embrace my current situation and improve it. Look out treadmill and free weights; here I come.

*It would have been closer to 45 but once I started eating again all that sickness weight loss went away. Freaking sickness weight loss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jaleh! 34 pounts is defintely something to be proud of!