Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Is it April 21st yet?

In two weeks my class ends; the students take their final. The final grading begins. I won't be Professor Jalehlabad anymore. I cannot wait. I want to do all sorts of things I am currently unable to do. Things like finish reading Jane Eyre. Things like finishing a scarf that I promised my friend Cheryl she would have a while ago. Things like learn to knit on a round so I can make these really kick ass Christmas prezzies for lots of my gal pals. Things like not read stuff for lecture prep instead of watching Everwood. Things like not being at work for 15 hour days because I have to show a film. Granted, it's a good film, but still. When I go to the coffee shop I don't want to grade papers. I want to take a stupid People magazine and read about Lindsey Lohan and not have a care in the world.

Really, I should stop complaining. I have actually enjoyed teaching for the most part. It's tiring but I like the interaction with the students. I even like the profs I team teach with. They are smart and funny. They are the kind of professors I would have sought out as an undergrad. But I am tired. And I am ready for this semester to be over. I feel like I haven't done my actual job in a long time and projects I wanted to work on have been pushed aside for far too long. I am ready to be a librarian again.

Otherwise, things are decent here in the land of Jalehlabad. The parents came to visit last weekend and that was nice. But now reality is creeping in. I am here, writing this entry, because I am procrastinating writing my last lecture (that I am giving tomorrow). And I have an ass ton of grading to do. And all kinds of other work. Does it ever end?

Anyway, tonight is a new Gilmore Girls. Yippee. Also, who else is doing the Alias countdown? Those promos look freaking awesome.

Hope all is well in your world.


Unknown said...

Have you seen the show Lost? I watched Season One over the past couple of weeks and it was awesome. I'mh alf tempted to buy a video iPod just to catch up on Season Two.

Jalehlabad said...

Have I seen the show Lost? Yes! I am obsessed. I've watched since day one. Any show that JJ Abrams is involved in is on my tivo. I loves me some JJ.

Beth said...

Bill! Where have you been, darlin'?! The U.S.of A. has been going ape shit over Lost for a year and a half now. Good that you've finally discovered it, though. Season 1 was, indeed, good, but Season 2 has been moderately disappointing to me...it's getting better, though, and the season finale promises to be pretty good.

SO excited for Alias, yes, Jalehla. Yippee!

However, I am fuming b/c stupid channel 4 showed basketball instead of GG. :( I have to wait until Saturday. Harumph.