Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Life is getting to be a little crazy these days. There is so much packing to do and so many appointments to make.

I am heading west on Friday to find a place to live. If I find something, I will post pics. Assuming I have time for that and computer access. Posting here is going to be sporadic, if it happens at all, from now until August 14. I can't promise that August will be anything close to chatty.

Tonight I get to meet with a moving company. I hope they will give me a decent quote since they are my only option as of right now. My parents are looking at an apartment for me tonight. I can't thank them enough. Especially since this place is in the right neighborhood, cheap, has a washer/dryer hookup, off-street parking, and close enough for me to walk to work everyday. I keep thinking that it must be rat infested because otherwise, where's the catch?

While I am totally excited about all of the changes that are happening, I really hate chaos of this level. I don't like the not knowing. But hopefully that will all be over soon.

1 comment:

Beth said...

We will miss you while you are busy!!! Good luck with the apartment hunting, packing, and moving, and let me know when you are settled!!! When does your job start?