Monday, July 31, 2006


From Bill:

1. Are you named after anyone? If so, explain?

I am not named after anyone. Sorry to disappoint.

2. Do you have your children's names picked out already? If so, is there any significance?

I have lots of names picked out for my future children. Mostly, they are names from the Middle East, keeping with the tradition of my name. But the middle names are of the more traditional variety since they are the names of people of I love.

3. If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name have been?

If I had been a boy, my name would have been Abraham. A good Muslim name and the name of one of my uncles. Funnily enough, Abe Lincoln and I share a birthday. So, in a way, my biologcal dad got his way.

4. If you could re-name yourself what name would you pick and why?

When I was a kid all I wanted was a normal name and blonde hair. But now, I couldn't really imagine being named Jenny or Sue or something "normal" like that. I will keep Jalehlabad; thank you very much.

5. Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do w/ your name constantly?

Yes. A million. Too many to type here in this space. In fact, the only time I even listen to a telemarketer is if they pronouce my name right. That has happened twice and one of those times it was an obviously Middle Eastern voice on the line.

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