Wednesday, November 15, 2006

And this too shall pass

I haven't done a Gilmore Girls recap in a while. There is no particular reason other than a general feeling of "eh" about the show. Plus, I was more than a bit peeved at the way Lorelai and Christopher were heading. I suppose if I am going to comment at least this week I get to mention Lane.

The Bad: Yep I am just getting right to the point.

Lorelai married Christopher. There. I typed it. Thankfully we didn't have to see the actual wedding. I think I might have puked. Alas, I take hope in the fact that Lorelai looked very sad when addressed as Mrs. Hayden. Let the journey back to Luke begin.

Also, in the bad....not enough Luke.

The Good:

Rory's meltdown: I thought it was very realistic. I went through a similar experience at her age so I could relate.

Marty!: Yay! Marty's back. I love how he is acting like he has no idea who Rory is. It's cold and kind of mean but Rory was pretty obtuse when he was obviously smitten. Plus, Marty's looking fine.

Mama Kim: Any episode with Mama Kim is a good thing. I loved how she just moved in with Lane and Zach. Hee. That is a spin-off show in itself.

Lane and Zach: I am liking them together more and more. I think it's funny how they are both just crazed over becoming parents of twins. Although, they are going to need a bigger place. And which one of them has health insurance? I doubt Luke has a plan for his employees. I mean, who is paying for the birth of them babies? Also, I read on Kekio's site that she is not actually pregnant but last night it looked very realistic.

Paris: I liked the little pedeconference between Paris and Rory. Paris pretty much had Rory's number minus all the antidepressants. Who knows after next week and the big reveal? Rory could hit the Lexipro pretty hard core.

Current Listen: Summer Skin ~ Death Cab for Cutie, Plans


Anonymous said...

I know that this is an unpopular opinion, but I LOVE Lorelai and Chris together. They have actual...what's it called?...oh, yeah, CHEMISTRY, unlike Lor and Luke (sad though it may be). They are just so much more real-world couply. Like her holding his hand while he was on the phone, and all the affectionate things he does--Luke and Lor NEVER acted like that. It's obvious that Chris and Lor will break up, and she will go back to Luke, but I am totally not rooting for it. I'd be happy if the series ended with Lor and Chris together 4-ev-a!

All of this is compounded by the way the Palladinos made Luke act last season, plus the fact that we hardly see Luke anymore. So it's easy to forget about him. They better start featuring him and making him look irresistible, or I will be rooting for Chris when he and Luke have that fist fight.

BUT, yay for all the other stuff you yay'd for: MamaKim, Lane, Marty, breakdown, Paris, etc.

Jalehlabad said...


Had Lorelai and Christopher gotten together at the end of season two, when they set us all up for it, I would have been on board. It would have been fabulous to see them together. But now it just feels like she is in flight mode from her disaterous break up with Luke. I mean, if I thought she really loved Chris I could get behind it but I don't buy it. Its like the two of them are living out some fanatasy from 20 years ago but it just doesn't tranlsate for me.

And Mrs. Hayden? No. It's called Gilmore Girls for a reason, Christopher.