Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Books and tv: these are a few of my favorite things

So, just in case you were curious about how I have been filling my time lately; I thought I would fill you in. Aren't you excited?

First, the books. I finally finished Stowaway by Karen Hesse. Stowaway is the story of Nick Young. Nick is, as the title says, a stowaway on Capt. Cook's vessel The Endeavor. The book is in diary form and tells Nick's point of view on the ship. The book was interesting but I had a hard time getting sucked into the story fully. I can see the appeal of this book and I can see why Bill loves this book so much but it's not really my thing.

The second book I recently read was E. Lockhart's The Fly on The Wall: How One Girl Saw Everything. I really enjoyed this book. This is the story of Gretchen Yee. Gretchen's life has been turned upside down. First her best friend has been avoiding her for no reason. Second, her parents are getting a divorce. And lastly, just when Gretchen thinks she's getting a parent free week; she gets turned into a fly stuck in the boys locker room of her school. And Gretchen sees it all.

I thought this book was great fun and quite silly. It's not something I am ready to recommend to my niece since the kids have a bot of the potty mouth but I thought it was fab and similar to the way teens actually speak.

Now, onto telly. Two things. One, over the long weekend, I became completely addicted to America's Next Top Model thanks to MTV's Sunday and Monday marathon. This show is really good, especially if you tivo it and fast forward through much of Tyra's self-love fest. Man, that is one woman who makes it all about her. But the models and the shoots are pretty interesting. I am anxiously awaiting the new season on the CW.

Second, are you all watching Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Because if you aren't well I think you are missing out. This show is what I wished Bionic Woman had been. I like the intensity and I like Summer Glau and I like Lena Headley. I can see this show easily filling the role that Alias left vacant. Because in all honesty, nothing has come close to filling the Alias sized hole in my television loving heart.

Books Read in 2008:

Fly on the Wall by E. Lockhart
Stowaway by Karen Hesse
The Boyfriend List by E. Lockhart.
Spike: Asylum by Brian Lynch and Franco Urru


Beth said...

Oh, my dear Jaleh. How have you not discovered ANTM before now? This makes me sad, but I'm glad you've learned how great it is. Aren't the photo shoots awesome? I love to see how the pictues come out. And yes, Tyra is RIDICULOUS and almost impossibly self-absorbed. She became much worse after she was given her own talk show. At first she was just funny, but now she often makes me want to vomit and then throw something heavy at my TV.

Jalehlabad said...

Yeah, I don't know why I've never watched before but I didn't. Man, sometimes I want to hurt Tyra in an effort to make her shut the hell up. So, do you prefer Janice or Twiggy? I love Nigel. Plus, the man is hot.

Beth said...

Janice was awesome for pure entertainment value, but in general I like Twiggy more. She seems like she would be awesome in real life.