Tuesday, June 05, 2007

It's June and I've got stuff to say

So, after my long hiatus I am back. I have so much to tell you all. First, I had a lovely little trip to my old SoInd stomping grounds over Memorial Day Weekend. It was so nice to see my old pals. Not to much to talk about there. Lots o' beer was drank and I got to grill meat products at Robyn's new house.

I came back to the Lou ready to veg and relax for the rest of the week. And that is pretty much exactly what I did. I read some more of The Cider House Rules and watched several films and started a new tv series. So, let me tell you all about that stuff.

I finished watching the first season of How I Met Your Mother. I know I am late to the party on this one but that show is great. I sometimes wish they would utilize Alyson Hannigan more often but how can I not love a show where Wesley has horrible hair, is a lech and works as a weatherman?

I also watched some good (and bad) movies. The first movie I watched was called Bedrooms and Hallways. This movie is basically a Brit rom/com about gay men. And it was awesome. The movie was made in 2000 and stars Vorenus (aka Kevin McKidd) as Leo a gay man who falls for the straight Marc Antony (aka James Purefoy). It was a very funny, sweet, and a tad sad movie. The movie also stars Hugo Weaving and Tom Hollander. I really liked it. Plus, it so seems like a funny precursor to the hoyay of Rome.

I also went to the movies and saw Hot Fuzz. Beth already told you all this movie was good and she was right. I loved the movie. I think I may have a lil Simon Pegg crush. Especially when he hires people like Martin Freeman to talk for like three lines. The movie is just the right mix of farce, spoof, and honoring of the cop movie genre.

The bad movie I watched was Strangers with Candy. I'll admit that I never really got into this tv show even though I have much love for Stephen Colbert. I'll even admit that the sole reason I netflixed this flick was to see some Chris Pratt action. Anyway, I found the movie to not be that funny. It could have been but for some reason it felt flat to me. Sigh. Anyway, I can't like everything, can I?

Just so you don't think I spent my entire vacation in my apartment watching television and movies, you should all know that I had a good time hanging out with my pal Jody and her two girls one day and my sister and my nephews another day. My sister is even under the deluded impression that I would be willing to watch all three of my nephews at once for a fee. To that I say, the fee will be large and followed by another vacation.

I also went to a wine tasting event. My suggestion to you, if you ever go to a wine tasting event, either pick white or red wines to taste and stick to it. The mixing of red and white wines made my stomach hurt.

1 comment:

Beth said...

OMG, so much to respond to. I will keep it short.

First off--I can't believe you only just started watching HIMYM!!! It is SO fantastic and hilarious, and also somehow fresh in this world of terrible, stale sit-coms. Love Doogie, love Marshall, love Aly Hannigan (of COURSE), love Ted, love Robin...seriously, seriously good. That being said, I realize that not everyone dedicates every spare moment of their free time to watching TV like I do, and therefore HIMYM may not make everyone's cut. But it IS worth it, and I'm glad you like it!

YAAAAAY! Hot Fuzz!!! I still love Sean of the Dead even more, but it was a pretty awesome second movie. You need to get your hands on Spaced, Jal. Such a hilarious BBC show. I have a MAJOR Simon Pegg crush. Yum!

Re: Strangers with Candy. I too was disappointed. I really, really love the Sedaris siblings and think they're hilarious and generally worship anything that either of them produces. I even found the TV show somewhat funny when I happened across it, but the movie totally fell flat. So sad!

Okay, I didn't keep that short. Sorry!