Monday, March 12, 2007

Somethings I did and didn't do: Or my weekend

Well, I actually did and didn't do many things this weekend. One thing I did not get to do was watch Indiana lose to the frakkin Illini. Thanks, local CBS station, I am sure that NO ONE could miss NCIS or whatever crime scene show you needed to play instead of the Big Ten tournament. Actually, I am kind of happy that I missed the game because I am not sure my tv would have survived my temper of losing to Chief Illiniwick in overtime. I was not so happy about the gloating phone call I got from Squater. God, sometimes I really hate it that so many of my friends went to U of I.

So, I watched two very good movies this weekend. This first was Jesus Camp. My god was that a scary and creepy film. It made sick in the same way the Supersize Me made me sick. I understand that it's every parent's right to teach their child their values but damn. This movie just explains why I detest organized religion. I have to say that when the camp lady says "I am making them into soldiers for Christ; to die for Christ" she sounds a lot more like Osama than anything I ever heard Jesus say in the Bible. The funny part for me was all the Ted Haggart stuff. I just kept laughing so hard about all that. But I am sure that three weeks in therapy cured his gayness.

The second movie I saw this weekend was V for Vendetta. For those of you who don't know, this movie is about a future Britain where V, a "terrorist", sets about to fight against his totalitarian society. I thought Hugo Weaving was very good as V and for some reason I love everything about Natalie Portman. I even liked her fake accent. I don't know why she charms me so much but I've liked her ever since I saw The Professional.

I also finished a book this weekend. When I went up to Chi-town to lose at pop culture, Jessie let me have her copy of Stephen Ambrose's Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler's Eagle's Nest . As you all know, I floved the HBO miniseries, Band of Brothers. I imagine I have watched the miniseries about six or seven times now. I have my favorite guys and so I was excited to read the book. I think I must have done this in the wrong order because the book was not nearly as interesting to me as I thought it would be. Maybe it's because I already knew the story so well (although I have reread many a book in my lifetime and that's never been a deterrent to me before). I think I just don't like Ambrose's writing style. Anyway, I did like hearing about soldiers we didn't get to meet in the miniseries. But I felt the book was sorely lacking on the details of my personal faves like Luz, Liebgott, and Nixon. Luckily, all the Winters stuff made up for that. I found it very interesting that so many of the soldiers from Easy who survived WWII became educators. I think it's pretty cool. These guys remind me of my much loved and very missed grandpa; he was a teacher too. Anyway, I suggest reading the book, especially if you haven't seen the miniseries. And then go watch these brave, hot men fight on tv. I think I may need to have another BoB marathon soon.

Yesterday was such a gorgeous day that I could not be cooped up inside. A friend and I went on a walk in Laumeier Sculpture Park. I haven't been there in ages. It was nice to walk in the park and see the new sculptures that had been added.

Books Read in 2007:

Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler's Eagle's Nest by Stephen Ambrose
Drinking, Smoking, and Screwing: Great Writers on Good Times ~ edited by Sara Nikles
Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood ~ Ann Brashares

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