Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I heart Glarkware

Since I love all things associated with TWoP I must take a moment to pimp Glarkware's new Now or Never shirts. For you Rome fans out there, here is Thirteen. I am pretty sure that I will be buying one of these.


Beth said...

Awesome! AND, I just got my "Good Grammar Costs Nothing" t-shirt on Monday! Let the campaign to educate people on its v. it's begin!

Jalehlabad said...

You slay me, Beth. And do you know why? Well, let me tell you. Good grammar doesn't cost a thing. You and Glark are so right. On a completely unrelated topic, are we making some of those "Shut Up, Rory" shirts. We should totally do that.

Anonymous said...

I am all over the "Congratulations...your an asshole" cards. Those are going to be superb stocking stuffers.


Beth said...

Right on, Mike, those are indeed funny cards. my fight against bad grammar (see above), I must point out that the proper phrasing in this case would be "YOU'RE an asshole."

I am all over the Shut up, Rory shirts!!! They have to be super cool...