Thursday, December 01, 2005

It's snowing!

Normally, I would not like the snow. In fact, if I am driving, I hate the snow. But today, as I walked to the campus center to pick up my mail, I was just in awe of how pretty falling snow is. The whole place looks like a pretty snow globe.

Now, let's just hope that the ground is warm enough to make this stuff melt.


Beth said...

My favorite kind of snow? Is the kind that has come down so thickly and treacherously that they actually close the library where you work and you get the day off (like I did last year the day before our Christmas vacation started)...and specifically on those days where you didn't need to leave the house for any reason. It doesn't work so well if you have to actually GO someplace, but it's pretty, and hot chocolate tastes extra yummy on those days.

Jalehlabad said...

Well, I love those kind of days too. And that day of glory you had last year was my day of terror since I had to drive in it. I much prefer the staying home, watching DVDs, and drinking hot cocoa version.