Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A Woman Rebels

This morning, before coming in for my late shift, I watched an old Katharine Hepburn movie called A Woman Rebels. Set in Victorian England, Hepburn plays Pamela. Pamela is determined to be her own woman and even has the audacity to read books! One of the best quotes from the movie comes from the nanny, Miss Piper. She says, "As women, the first thing of importance is to be content to be inferior to men, inferior in mental power in the same proportion that she is in physical strength. A really sensible woman feels her dependence. She's conscious of her inferiority and therefore grateful for her thought." Heh. Naturally Pamela finds this to be stupid. So, her father introduces her and her sister into society where Pamela meets a man who lies, don't they all, and then he gets her pregnant! Quel scandal! Pamela then meets another man who actually likes that she has a brain. However, since he thinks her daughter is her niece she can never be with him. Instead she gets a job at a paper, writes articles that empower women and lead to child labor laws. But of course her past comes back to haunt her. Will Pamela find happiness? Well, watch and learn.

I have to say that I have been on a bit of Katharine Hepburn kick lately. Desk Set was on a week or so ago and after that I set TiVo to record all movies with Katharine Hepburn starring. So, I will soon be watching many more movies with the fiery red head.

If you haven't seen Desk Set, you totally should. One of the best librarian movies ever made. Plus the whole computers are going to take over the world plotline cracks me up every time.


Anonymous said...

Philadelphia Story is my fav KH movie.


Jalehlabad said...


I haven't seen that movie yet. But it's in the tivo to do list. So, before the end of the year I will watch it. I'll let you know if I like it but I can't imagine not liking it.

Anonymous said...

If you are into KH you should read Kate Remembered. I read it last winter and it was fantastic. KH had a personal relationship with the author and he really captured her firey side. :) Trish