Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Curiosity? Please kill my neighbor's cat.

The last few weeks have been somewhat hiss and growl filled in Jalehlabad's world. It all started with my landlord fixing the screens for my windows. Finally, I am able to have fresh air in my house. It was blissful for about four minutes.

Maybe I should back up. My neighbors brought home a new cat last fall. The kitten was nice and seemed to integrate well with their other cat and also never bothered Zaria. Zaria likes to hang out in the windows and since Buddy arrived there hasn't been an issue. Until the screens.

I think Buddy may be in heat. I don't know; maybe he smells Zaria? I do know that he has taken it upon himself to hang out in or under any window Zaria is in. This has resulted in about 300 fights. And it's driving me and my neighbors nuts. My neighbors had been letting Buddy stay out all night but I put a stop to that after two nights of cat fights at 2, 3, and 4 am. I don't like being woken up.

Needless to say, the fighting ensued. I have found Buddy outside scaling my new screens. Ruining then with his fucking claws. And then the kicker came.

Stupidly, apparently, I have been leaving my windows open during the day since it's been warmish here. Yesterday I came home after work. I was piddling around the house and then I went back to my bedroom to get some laundry together. That's when I see it. All over my bedroom floor are chunks of cat hair. And it's white. Zaria is all grey. Buddy is white and grey. I go to the window to find the screen completely busted open. My cat is no where to be found. I start the freak out. I find the good treats to bait Zaria out of potential hiding spots and after a few minutes she comes strolling out of my closet. She seems fine; no major injuries. I can't find any bite or scratch marks.

However, I am pretty pissed. I mean, there is really nothing I can do to keep this cat away from my place. I refuse to close up my house. At the same time, I can't really ask my neighbors to coop their cat up, can I? I just don't know what to do. All I do know is that if I see that cat crossing the road, I may just have to speed up.


Anonymous said...

Ugh...I feel your pain. I had to deal with that when I was living in Indy. I lived on the ground floor and every feral cat in the neighborhood would come and look in my window and Goomby would go bezerk.


GMYH said...

I'm no lawyer, but I think it's perfectly legal to snatch his ass in a bear trap. Once you hear that clank, the whole neighborhood can sleep again, Zaria isn't bothered anymore, and your neighbors will probably move away. Win, win, and win.