Monday, May 01, 2006

I finally finished a book!

Unlike last year, I have not really been reading many books lately. In fact, it was only this weekend that I finished a book I read for pleasure. I have to say, I really missed reading books and articles that I wanted to read.

I know I am a little behind in some of the classics, so, my pal Angie went about trying to fix that. She sent me Charolette Bronte's Jane Eyre for my birthday.

I really enjoyed this book. I am not so sure I found the ending believable but Angie says this is due to my being a modern woman. I am not so sure about all of that. I am just not big on men who lie. However, if you haven't ever picked up Jane Eyre, it is a fascinating read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My friend Jaleh finished a book. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't even sure that she could read. Needless to say, this comes as a pleasant surprise to me. Even though I have serious reservation about terming the Penthouse 'erotic stories' section literature, my hat goes off to you, Jaleh, for reading words. ;)

And that's what you get for not writing a single word about me.