Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I know; I know. Shut up about Everwood

Mo Ryan, writer for the Chicago Tribune has written this eloquent article on Everwood. My heart is breaking about Monday's series finale. I know how I sobbed alone on my couch this week and how I will be sobbing alone on my couch next week. Probably for two straight hours. I wouldn't ever invite anyone over to see the blubbering mess that will be Jalehlabad. It will be so sad and wrong.

In other news, I have a pal here, who I will call Barista. Anyway, she doesn't own a television but she knows all about my telly obsessions. Barista wants me to pick any television show and she is going to watch a season with me. I am picking Everwood Season One. I think I shocked her with that choice since she hears me talk so much about Alias and Gilmore Girls. While my heart was sad by the end of Alias, I understood it's ending. It made sense for the show to end; although I could go on and on about all the unanswered things but I won't for Tricia's sake. And well, don't even get me started on the way Gilmore Girls was this season. ASP, you, well, you know what you did. Everwood, though, has been taken away before all the stories could be told. I feel like I have been robbed. It sounds crazy but those characters do feel real to me. They are characters I would love to be able to actually interact with. Anyway, I don't think enough people watched my beloved Everwood so I am going to force Barista to watch it. I think she might be pleasantly surprised at how good my favorite show is and was.

1 comment:

Watch Friday Night Lights Online said...

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