Thursday, November 02, 2006

Wish you were here

Last weekend there were multiple parties happening in Indiana and I was even invited to two of them. B-Mart has the details of her party over on her blog. Now, don't take this the wrong way, B-Mart because I totally love you and miss hanging out with you but the party I wish I could have attended was Robyn's party. It's nothing personal; it's just that Robyn's party was populated with a ton of people I consider to be my pals. Plus, the drunk dial I got on Saturday night told me that I missed a pretty good time; also, if I am not there to act as DJ is it really a party? Anyway, I got sent some pretty awesome pictures from Robyn's party. I am going to post them here and, of course, make some comments.

Incriminating/Funny Image 1:

Here we have Eduardo as some sort of Skeleton man, Robyn as Miss Elizabeth Bennett, and Jeff as some amalgam of Gary Oldman's Dracula and Johnny Depp. I really love Jeff's costume. It just makes me laugh and also think very Jeff. Heeeeeee. But the really question is where is Mr. Darcy? Couldn't anyone get a wet Colin Firth to come to Southern Indiana?

Incriminating/Funny Image 2:

Here we have the boogie down butterfly/fairy Kay and Mike Sodrel aka Dodgeman. I laughed out loud at this picture. I can hardly believe that Dodge topped last year's go round as the Moyer but he did it. Oh and folks, go out and defeat whatever version of Sodrel you can on November 7.

Incriminating/Funny Image 3:

This is possibly my favorite picture of the evening. First we have Sodrel again (picture whore much?), then we have Bring in the Paynes as K-Fed and Britney with a little mock up of Sean Preston. Love the boob grab, Payne. Then we have Mr. Chemistry as Buchman (someone you would only know by living in Hanover) and then two differing versions of pirates.

Incriminating/Funny Image 4:

This picture isn't really all that funny or incriminating. I just wanted everyone to see the cute as a button Mrs./Dr. Dodge. She is the naughty doc who sent me this even though she pretends like she doesn't know anything about it. Also, I am not so sure I want a drunkard doc working on me. Better leave all your drunken doctoring to working on Sodrel.

And finally the last picture.

Here we have the oh so smartly not dressed up Purvii, Pat as some cross between himself and Mark Foley's intern and the Payne/Federlines. That Britney is a dirty whore for grabbing Pat's crotch right there in front of KFed. But then I guess that is no big shocker.

Anyway, it looks like you all had some good, not precisely clean fun. Wish I could have been there. Maybe next year.

*I apologize for the delay of this post. Blogger and I were fighting over the uploading of images. Blogger won a battle or two but I won the war, as I tend to do.

ETA: Link fixed. Ooops.


Anonymous said...

Ha! I am totally taking offense. Pals, schmals.

Anyway, my party had its own Britney (K-Fed would have been there but he was sick). AND, our Brit even had a real, live baby with her!

Either way, I'm sure you were greatly missed at both parties.

Next up for us: Mardi Gras. Keep it open.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I feel so special and privileged to have received the extended tribute. Goal accomplished. Of course, we didn't send you the really embarrassing pictures. I can send you some Mike Sodrel literature if you'd like. We missed you terribly, as my rather pricey phone bill will attest to.
