Thursday, February 08, 2007

Dear Joss

Dear Joss Whedon,

Hello. My name is Jalehlabad and I love you and your shows. I admit that I came late to the Joss Whedon party. I admit that I once even mocked Buffy but that was back when I was young and stupid. I am now a convert and I apologize for being very wrong in the past. But enough about that.

I read online that you are no longer doing the Wonder Woman movie. So, I just have one question to ask you. When are you coming back to television, Joss? Your fans love and miss you and the joy you bring to our telly sets. I would like to add my house to the number of people who watch you in real time as I have never been able to do that with one of your shows.

Please come back soon. Television misses you, Joss.

H and K,


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