Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I am not Sorkin's bitch anymore

Last September I sang the praises of Studio 60. Well, I am here to say that every once in a while I am wrong.

Studio 60 and I are breaking up. I am done. I don't care about Matt and Harriett. I don't like Danny as a stalker who woos the girl with his stalking and then wins her. WTF? I don't like that Simon feels superior to Darius. I just want to throw things at my tv when this show is on. The only people who make this show bearable are the characters of Jack, Lucy, and Tom. And they are barely in the thing. I get it, Sorkin. You are pissed because Chenoweth dumped you. Get over it. Not all of us think that blonde girls who try to play both sides of the religion fence are HOTT. So, I quit.

Sorkin, you lost me on your ego tripping, axe-grinding, pandering to I don't know who. Oh right, it's YOU. Also, I am sick of you telling me that I am stupid for liking Project Runway.

Go frak yourself, Sorkin.

I am going to use the next few Monday nights to watch more things on netflix. Then I am going to give The Black Donnellys a try. Because dude, BOB's Toye is in it. I just love seeing the guys from Band of Brothers (btw, if you haven't read the TWoP recaps for BOB you are missing out) acting.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I know that you and Sorkin seriously dated for a number of years, so I am sorry to hear of your break-up. BUT, it's a good thing, especially if he was kind of mentally abusing you, or at the very least playing games. That is not cool, Sorkin. Meanwhile, I only just kind of went out for a few drinks and maybe a meal with him, and dumped him back in December. I just got tired of the show. Seriously, I did not care one iota about any of them, although I did enjoy seeing Matthew Perry again, and like many of the actors. But I hated Harriet from the start.