Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy New Year and other things

Well, today is the first day of the Iranian New Year. Here's to hoping that this year will only be better than the last year. Although, last year wasn't so bad. I mean, a year ago I was in the middle of nowhere Indiana and today I live in a city. That's a pretty good thing in my mind.

Last night, to celebrate the New Year, I went to see a movie with my sister. Music and Lyrics is pretty much exactly what I thought it would be: light hearted, Hugh Grant filled, cuteness. It wasn't the best romantic comedy I've seen but it wasn't the worst either. Plus, I can't help but like Drew Barrymore. I kept wondering if Hugh and Drew actually sang for the movie. The singing voices sounded close enough and yet different enough to make me wonder. Also, all the Wham influenced 80's flashback stuff was freaking hilarious. Pop goes my heart, indeed.

ETA: According to Wikipedia, Hugh and Drew did sing their songs.

I finally got my Buffy comic last night. Although, I thought my cousin might have a fit when I pulled the comic out of the plastic sleeve he put it in (yes, my cousin is a comic book geek and has been one for like 30 years). Anyway, after receiving my detailed instructions about how to carefully read the comic as to keep it worth money (put the comic on a table, turn the pages at the corner, you might want to wear gloves, OMG already just give me the frakkin' comic!); I went home and read the damn thing. And, it was good. Of course, I wanted more. So much more. It's probably due to the fact that I never had to wait a week for an episode of Buffy let alone a whole month for a new comic book. So, I am kind of impatient with the waiting and all.

I won't spoil it for you all who have yet to read it. But I think we may need to start a Buffy comic reading group. Any takers?


Beth said...

I am SO jealous! My comic book store was sold out when I went last week, so they put me on a list and are supposed to call me when they get more--I'm hoping for a call any day now!!! I may get a subscription service thingie but apparently those have a 3 month delay, and I don't think I can handle that. Le sigh.

Anyway, when I finally get it, I would of COURSE love to be in a Buffy comic reading group with you!

Jalehlabad said...

Oh no! Beth, I thought you had a copy already. Well, I hope you get it soon or figure out some way to get a copy soon. I can't wait to talk about it with you.

Anonymous said...

I'm in for the reading group! Tricia

Unknown said...

I'm in - though I don't know any of the characters. :)

As for finding a copy: a co-worker hit three different Chicago comic book stores when the issue released, but was thwarted by purchasing caps. I found a bunch on the Borders comic book rack, though.

Anonymous said...

Did you pay for your comic and if so, may I ask how much? They're on Amazon for $24.99, and that's just for the one. Do you think the Hanover library might get a subscrition? Michelle doesn't work at the college anymore, so who will use their money for this worthy cause? I would like to join the group, but at $25 a pop?


Beth said...

Mine was only $3 and some change... sounds like either you're looking at the wrong thing, or Amazon jacks up the price pretty darn unreasonably! Madness!

Beth said...

Me again--I just looked on Amazon, and it doesn't look like they sell it--it is only available through 2nd hand sellers: check this out.