Monday, December 03, 2007


You know, I am not ashamed to admit that I enjoy Disney films. I even wrote a paper in undergrad that compared Ariel from The Little Mermaid to Belle in Beauty and The Beast in terms of their feminist qualities. I am sad to say that my fellow red head Ariel is not so much a feminist.

That's why when two pals from work asked if I wanted to go see Enchanted on Saturday I said, "hell yeah." Seriously, I love Amy Adams. And I have one other word for you...McDreamy.

I wasn't really expecting a lot out of this film. I was pleasantly surprised to find that even though people burst out into song for no good reason (which I love) and that there were some truly illogical logistical things that happened the movie was really good. (Wow. That was a long sentence.)

Susan Saradon really can play evil very well. James Marsden did a terrific job as the dull-witted prince. I loved seeing Idina Menzel! And the little girl who played McDreamy's daughter was too cute for words.

If that was Amy Adams real singing voice, well, then the girl has some pipes. Patrick Dempsey was very sigh worthy in this flick. If I was with a guy that looked remotely like him and he owned that outfit that McDreamy wore to the ball, well...I am not going to finish that sentence.

Anyway, if this is the kind of movie you might be into, go check it out. Or wait for it to become available on cable and watch it as much as you like.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I do totally want to see this, but I imagine I'll wait for the DVD.

You know what I'm SUPER excited for and am totally going to go see this weekend??? The Golden Compass!!!! WOOOOOT!