Monday, December 17, 2007

The final countdown

You know they say it only takes doing something for three weeks for it to become a habit. Which is why I am more than a little nervous about the looming date of December 31. See, Brotherhood 2.0 has become a habit for me. It's like crack in the form of a vlog. I am starting to get worried about going into John and Hank withdrawal. How will I be able to see happy dances anymore? And I will no longer hear a new song every Wednesday? And I won't know when puff levels are high or when Hank is on the weather channel or when John and the Yeti get their dog.

See, I am starting to lose it. Who knew way back in January when Maire innocently sent me a link to Bro 2.0 that I would become addicted and fall into major crushes with two married brothers who are so funny and smart? See, I am a die hard fan; before we all became nerdfighters made of awesome; before in my pants; I've been there since Jan. 9. And now it's all going to end.

We only have 9 (possibly only 8 if they take off on Christmas Eve) vlogs left. It's not fair or right.

I know in my logical part of my brain that this has most likely taken over their lives in ways they did not imagine both time and popularity-wise. But damn; I really hope they can post something like twice a month to keep all of nerdfighters up-to-date with their lives.

Gods, I sound like a total stalker, don't I? Sigh. I just think those guys are made of awesome and I really wish them all the best in life. I know I will be reading Paper Towns when it's published and I will keep reading Ecogeek after Jan. 1. But is it too much to hope for a vlog update every now and then? I think not.

ETA: This is what I will miss. How can you not love this?

1 comment:

Beth said...

Girl, I feel the same. Was even planning to post about it sometime in the next week. SAD. I only started watching in the summer (though I have retroactively watched all the vids) and I am just as obsessed. I can only hope I will someday run into John...