Thursday, December 13, 2007

Persepolis trailer

When I read the graphic novels of Marjane Satrapi I felt like I was living her life. She really has a way of pulling the reader in. Now, they've turned what looks to be Persepolis and Persepolis 2 in a film. I cannot wait to see this. My only real complaint is all the stuff that takes place in Iran has French subtitles. Couldn't they have found people who could speak some Farsi?

**Thanks to Maire for posting this on her blog.**


Unknown said...

Does Mar hate me, or does she just have an overly-aggressive comment filter on her blog?

I just watched Lawrence of Arabia (for the second time, but i couldn't remember any of it), and it makes me want to learn about Arabia.

The end.

Jalehlabad said...

Sam Wood? Well, I am pretty sure Maire doesn't hate you. I've never commented on her blog because I believe you need a vox account and I have never felt like getting. So, that's my answer to that.

If you are into T.E. Lawrence that's cool. I've read some stuff about him but mostly via this woman, Gertrude Bell who was his possible lover and also a possible British spy who was integral in the creation of Iraq.