Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bon Voyage

On Tuesday night, Gilmore Girls ended it's reign as my go to Tuesday show. I know that I said it was time for the show to end and it was. I know that much of my heart was hardened towards this show over the last season. I know that B-Mart and I have disagreed about the whole Pisstopher inclusion in this season. But on Tuesday night when I sat down to watch the final episode of Gilmore Girls forever and ever and ever, I just felt sad. A lot of people emailed me on Tuesday asking me if I was ready. I must admit that I wasn't ready for it to all end. However, I had no choice in the matter.

Like Rory's sadness about Logan, my crying jags came in waves. I loved the opener with Christiane Amanpour (My fellow half-Iranian! Holla!). When the credits kicked in the tears began. I haven't watched the credits of this show in a long time because often that Carole King song grates but on Tuesday it was perfect. Then the crying subsided until the Friday Night Dinner and the dawning realization that Rory would be leaving in THREE days. "After dinner drinks for sure." Sobs! Finally, I laughed a bit when Lorelai and Rory "reenacted" graduation in the diner. Rory graduated Summa cum Luke. Dirty and Heee! But then the tears returned when Luke asked for Sookie's help in throwing a surprise party for Rory. See, he does love his Gilmore Girls. I loved the Lane stuff and the townie non-sanctioned meeting.

The tears really came down hard when Rory returned home from Lane's house. Lorelai's "I need more time" line was so fitting. I need more Gilmore Girls. And then they kill me with Lorelai watching Rory sleep. My god, that Lauren Graham can act.

And then, the party. The Taylor stuff was a bit gross but also funny. The town birthed her. And then the tears came again when Rory made her short speech. I also loved the interaction between Lorelai and the Grandparents. They realize she is an awesome mom and she's going to keep doing Friday Night Dinners. OMG. MORE TEARS.

But then they go and save the best for almost last (to sort of quote that very bad Vanessa Williams song), Lorelai finds out that Luke planned the whole party and there is kissing between Luke and Lorelai. Sigh. I kind of got my wish.

The final scene of this episode almost exactly mirrors the final scene of the pilot episode. Rory and Lorelai are at Luke's. Lorelai is wearing the necklace (squee!) and flirting with Luke. The girls order their food and chat. And we are out.

Man, I didn't realize that this series finale would hit me so hard. In fact, I am not sure the realization will fully hit me until next fall when there really are no more Gilmore Girls episodes to watch.

At any rate, I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone involved with Gilmore Girls. It was a terrific show, even at it's worst, and it will me sorely missed by myself and many of my pals.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I will admit, I was crying pretty hard at most of the same stuff. What also killed me in a major way was the fact that the grandparents were there, and grandpa's speech to Lorelai about what a great mother she turned out to be and what a wonderful life she has made for herself and Rory, and that he regretted that she ever had to go out on her own and do that, but nevertheless he is proud of her. SNIFF. And then Kelly Bishop and her acting chops and the whole "Oh, you still want to do Friday Night Dinners? Well, don't wear pants." SOB.