Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My own private bling bling

So, Bill likes to refer to his Xbox as his bling bling. I don't know why he does that but he does and I've always wondered. Bill, feel free to let us know the origins of that naming.

Anyway, back when I was getting my history master degree my friend DiRRty gave me his old Play Station 1 and one game as a Christmas present. You all might think to yourself what a crappy present. Alas, it was one of the greatest gifts of all time because that one game is actually a six in one game. Some of the games on this disc are Galaga, Pac Man (the original version), and Pole Position. I was in frakkin' heaven and so were the many people who trotted in and out of my apartment playing these games. While I lived in E-ville, I don't think that my play station was idle for more than a day or two, especially once Squater came to squat.

When I moved to Indiana to start SLIS, I don't know what happened but I never set up my play station. I don't know why. It's not like I wouldn't have played it. I guess I just spent so much time on the internet that I didn't really miss my galaga playing. And, can I just say, I dominate at galaga. The continued dismissal of my play station continued while I lived in Cutesville, IN.

However, Sunday night all this was rectified. Sqauter came down for a visit and we were bored in my apartment on Sunday. Squater queried about my play station and I said that I thought I lost a piece because I had tried to hook the play station up over Christmas but I couldn't do it. Well, he took one look and said I had all the pieces. So, he switched a few plugs around and we were in business.

That's right. Now instead of just having tv to entertain me, I have my play station back. And, can I just say, it's glorious. I played Galaga and Pole Position for the better part of the last night and really, I only stopped to watch Heroes. Man, it's going to be a fun summer.


Unknown said...

Because those are the sounds that video games make: "Bling! Bling!"

Mystery solved. :)

Enjoy the PS!

Anonymous said...

You should look for a PS1 copy of the Southpark game. It's fun & funny, even if it does take three years to load. It's my fave PS1 game