Friday, May 18, 2007

Hope springs eternal

Today is graduation day at my university. As I was driving into work this morning I saw a plethora of students in their regalia. Some were walking with their families, others with friends, and some were walking alone to their commencement.

I really like graduation days. It seems to me to be a time full of hope, pride, and a general feeling of the world is someones oyster. I like to think that students were like me, filled with hope and fear and a deep desire to be done with my book learnin'. Plus, the regalia here is just kind of cool. In a week I am heading back to Cutesville, IN to see a pal graduate and I can only hope that her future is filled with wonderful things.

In other news, I went to a beer festival last week and I can't believe I didn't blog about it. Last weekend was the Heritage Festival. What can I say? I am a sucker for 50 different beers in four hours. Well, I didn't actually try all 50 beers but I did hit a good 20. Anyway, I thought the festival was good fun, even if it did smell a bit like manure. I guess that couldn't be helped due to the high levels of rainfall on the grass and so they felt the need to mulch over muddied areas. Anyway, I really like the Honey Beer by AB and the Pumpkin Beer was pretty good too.

What I learned from the Heritage Festival was an old lesson. Never give your real name to a drunk dude trying to hit on you. See, I used to hang out with this girl Rochelle a lot. When we would go to bars and boys would chat with us we would give them fake names. It's not like we were ever going to see these guys again, so who does it hurt. I usually went by something plain like Jenny or Julie or sometimes Ariel (after the Little Mermaid, yo). Rochelle usually went by this made up name we used to mock our friend DiRRty (see we sort of bastardized his name and came up with whole concept of if we could get him drunk enough to dress like a girl, what would his name be) and thus Rochelle became Shavona. I know. It's dumb but a lot of vodka went into that plan. Anyway, this guy who I gave my real name to became sort of a pain in the ass. He kept turning up and yelling some other name that he thought sounded like my name but was actually the word Jubilee. My friend Nadia and I were laughing so hard the first time we heard it but it became less funny to me the more it happened. So finally, I hid behind Squater and made my friends Nadia and Blake run fast and we were able to avoid him the rest of the evening. We then proceeded to drink more beer.

In other news, Squater and I did get our matching tattoo. Mine is on my right shoulder blade/back area. If I had a picture of it I would post it. Maybe I will take a picture once all the scabbing heals.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I love grad days too!!! (Hence my tearing up at Rory's fictional graduation.) They are just such a huge signifier of one chapter of life closing and another beginning. That's why I hate preschool and kindergarten graduations--I think they take away some of the hugeness of HS and college graduations (yes, I have thought way too much about this, but that happens when you have nephews who are going through graduations every two seconds).

Also, I LOVED my hood for my Masters graduation. It is the primary reason why I chose to walk. So pretty!