Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lost, I am your bitch again

Waaaaaaay back in February, I pondered whether or not I would continue to watch Lost. Well, last night's season finale proved that I am still Lost's bitch.

Stop reading now if you haven't seen last night's two hour extravaganza.

Wow. Just wow. First, a flash forward? Brilliant. But man, Jack is one messed up dude in the future (or should I say the present?).

Second, WHO IS IN THAT COFFIN? I have a few theories about this. I am thinking it's either Ben, Locke or Sawyer. All three of those dudes have very few ties to the world and I wouldn't be shocked if no one turned up when they died.

Third, CHARLIE! I knew they were going to kill him but I am so glad that they did it in such a heartfelt and beautiful way. Which leads me to....

Penny and the non-Penny boat. So, who's boat is it?!?!?! And, is Naomi evil like Ben implies? And my mind is blown. So, are the Others really the god guys if Jack wants to get back to the island so badly? I wonder if everyone is going to be forced to leave the island or if some will be able to stay behind.

Also, Sayyid killing the dude with his legs. Awesome and kind of hot. But I think Sayyid is hot in general.

I loved that Hurley saved the day with the Dharma van. I was a bit of a shocked to see Sawyer kill Tom but I can't say I am sad about it.

Anyway, I am sure there is so much more to say but my mind is so blown that I just can't. It's a shame that we have to wait until February to find out what happens next. Between this wait and the BSG wait I am actually looking forward to winter for the first time since forever.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Word. On all fronts.