Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Mail Carrier Blues

For some reason my mail carrier never takes my outbound mail. I don't know why my mail can be dropped off but not taken away. I put proper postage on everything. I even have a little clip so that the mail box looks like it's open and yet nothing. Normally, this doesn't bother me. I have even adjusted so that I never mail out my bills from home. I just drop them off at the post office. However, now that I've joined netflix, this is becoming an increasing problem. I put the discs in my mailbox all proper like. And my mail carrier just ignores it. But, I will not be ignored. In fact, I have entered into a showdown with my mail carrier. I am just going to leave that disc in my mail box until he or she takes it. If that means I have to wait a week to start Scrubs season one, well, so be it.

Do you think I am taking this to extremes? Because I don't. Is it so much to expect my mail carrier to, I don't know, do their JOB? Isn't this what my tax dollars pay for? Because my tax money sure as hell doesn't fund any mass transit or salt for winter roads.

Maybe I just need a beer. Or to get out of this small town.

UPDATE: For some reason, who knows why, my netflix dvd got picked up yesterday. Thanks for the comments. I think I will go have a chat with someone down at the post office.


Unknown said...

I've heard that picking up outgoing mail from private boxes is an optional service your carrier may or may not provide.

You're the first person I've ever heard of whose mail carrier *doesn't* provide it!

Optional, schmoptional--it would drive me crazy, too!


Roll The Dice said...

Wow...I've never heard of this either! If it were me, I would either give the postmaster (postmistress?) a holler, or just schedule a pickup - that'll show 'em! ;-)


Jalehlabad said...


I don't know you personally. Or at least I don't think I do but welcome!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the welcome! I found your blog when I was exploring the favorites on Compensatory Factor.

I'm a library person, too (as yet sans MLS), and a huge Buffy fan!
