Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The one where I randomly discuss movies, television and other things

Well, B-Mart will be happy to know that I just finished Angel season one. She'll be even happier to know that I started season two last night. But before I get to far into season two, I want to make a few comments about Angel's first season.

  • Why did they kill Doyle? I really liked him. I did some digging on the guy only to find out a)he's dead and b)he was Mark (Becky's boyfriend) on Roseanne. WHA? Anyway, I really liked the character of Doyle and the season felt strange after his departure. Also, they barely mention him in the extras. So, BOO!

  • I like Wolfram and Hart as the Big Bad but I feel like something was missing in terms of an overarching, season long, cohesive story.

  • Faith! B-Mart, I can admit when I am wrong. I think that these episodes with Faith do really redeem her character. Her actions in Buffy's last season make a lot more sense now too.

  • The Elizabeth Rohm character is just off. I don't get her silly hatred towards Angel especially when he has only helped her. It's not Angel's fault that her dad was an ass. Anyway, I don't like her character at all. I hope she isn't on as much in the coming seasons.

  • I am interested to see how this whole Darla thing plays out. And really, how is that even possible? I know, I know, suspend belief.

Overall, I would say that though they try very hard, Angel is no Buffy. This show is missing something but I will keep watching since I said I would and I really want to get to season five and Spike!

Onto movies....I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2 over the weekend. I thought it was pretty good. I was entertained for sure. I don't think this movie was as good as the first film in terms of story line. However, that isn't to say it wasn't a great flick. Also, the special effects are pretty cool. Plus, I just love Bill Nighy. I won't give away any plot twists but Will Turner is a much more calm person than I would be.

Seeing that movie made this cool History Channel special True Caribbean Pirates even more interesting. Bill can attest to my new fascination of all things piratey. Or well, books about pirates anyway. You all should check out the special. I learned all kinds of cool things about the history of pirates.

I decided today that Terry Gross may just have the world's coolest job. I listen to Fresh Air most days over lunch. But for some reason, while she was talking to Thom Yorke, I just thought, man what a cool job. She gets to talk to all sorts of people involved with entertainment and books and I am super jealous. If only I had been a radio broadcast major! Also, check out the Thom Yorke interview; it was pretty good.


Beth said...

I have read that several in the cast were extremely sad when he died... I did have MAJOR love for Glenn Quinn, though. How could you not love someone with a name like that! Plus, tasty accent!

Yes, there will be less and eventually none of annoying Elizabeth Rohm. She sucks.

There will be plenty more Wolfram and Hart in the future! Including, of course, the fantastic Daniel Dae Kim as Gavin!!! (or maybe he was in Season 1? I can't remember). And the fantastic Lilah!

I personally think that Season 2 & 3 were the best, 4 often pissed me off, and 5 was very different but had its moments. Perhaps I'm blindly loyal, but I've always thought Angel has a charm all its own, different from Buffy, yes, but it hits its own stride eventually.

Also, I LURVE Thom Yorke. Just bought his new CD today. Yippeee!!! Will have to listen to his interview.

Unknown said...

I loved Doyle, too. :(

Have fun with Angel! I've been dragging out season 5 for months, because I can't stand to *not* be actively watching something that takes place in the Buffyverse.

I guess I'll just have to start all over again at the beginning!
