Thursday, September 27, 2007

Interesting and yet not

Bill suggested taking this USAToday poll that tells you who in the presidential campaign is most in line with your beliefs. Aside from the last question, which annoyed me because I am not sure any of those things matter, I thought the quiz was interesting. According to this poll, I am most in line with....(drum roll, please)

1. Dennis Kucinich (D)
2. Mike Huckabee (R)
3. Mike Gravel (D)

Looks like none of those guys will probably make it to the finish line but I am actually a bit interested in Mike Huackabee. He was on Bill Mahr a couple of weeks back and had some interesting things to say.


Unknown said...

There should totally be a slider for how electable you want your candidate to be!

Hope you're well, J-Bad.

Unknown said...

Mine were obama, Clinton and Dodd, which surprised me somewhat. Probably because I have not been paying attention to what the candidates are actually saying, just what they're wearing and how they're acting. You know, important stuff.

And, yeah, hope you're well, J-Bad.