Thursday, July 06, 2006

Move, B***h, Get out the way.

Per Mikey T's request I feel almost obligated to post something.

I want to thank everyone for the good wish comments and emails. I have some of the best pals in the world.

Some crazy happenings went down in Cutesville this weekend. In my town, we have a boat race every summer. They even made a movie about it. From what I understand, this race used to be quite the thing to do but apparently popularity has waned a bit. I've been told that the place is crawling with Hoosiers. Hee. But in all seriousness, something quite terrible happened. This weekend, some kid drove his speeding car onto the banks of the river plowing through a crowd of people. Here is an account from one of the rescuers. Luckily, no one was killed but the town was given quite a scare.

Fortunately for me, my holiday weekend was not as exciting as a car crash. And with my crash record, that is saying something. My pal, Tricia, came to visit. We watched lots of Alias, ate too much food, and drank too much beer. All in all, a very fun time. I really enjoy it when I can meet up with my friends from SIUE. In my mind, these are some of the people who know me the best because that time period, in graduate school, is when I feel like I really blossomed into Jalehlabad. So, it's always good to hang with those kids. We even looked at old pictures where I had short hair. It made me miss my shorter hair. For those in the know, I have a picture of Kuhn cake that will be forthcoming.

Alas, all is well for now. I am currently awaiting some big news which I hope, unless my hopes are dashed, to share with you all very soon.

I am currently reading nothing. That needs to change. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

I read a small article in the Chicago Tribune about that accident; how awful! Glad that no one you know was hurt.

P.S. Read "Great Expectations"; it's high time that you added a little Dickens to your reading list. (Plus, it is my life's goal to make you read the Classics.)

Beth said...

That accident sounds scary! Good thing you weren't in attendance!

Read Prep. Very interesting. Or, for more YA lit, the Georgia Nicolson books I recommended. Or, read the Janet Evanovich novels along with me for some summer mystery fun--I have finally decided to see what all the fuss is about and am starting with One for the Money. Supposedly they are quite funny and a bit racey (sp?). none of the above! :) I know I have read good stuff lately, just having trouble with recall!