Wednesday, January 10, 2007


For those of you who don't know, I kind of LOVE the HBO show Rome. What I love most is that season two (and the final season) begins on Sunday. You can spend this week catching up on season one via ondemand or just regular ol' HBO. The previews look crazy intense and the scheming seems to have only begun.

Rome has everything any great television drama should have. It's got sex, greed, double dealing, power plays, a bit of the funny, a lot of nudity (some girl on girl action and a naked Marc Antony [woot!]), some gore, and some fantastic writing. Also, Pullo is hot. I would happily become a citizen of Rome for that brute with a heart of gold. Also, Octavian (who later becomes Caesar Augustus) is played marvelously by the young Max Pirkis. I hope this kid has a great future ahead of him as an actor.

I know that Mikey T. shares my Rome love but really, if you've got cable, you should totally check this show out. I mean, it's not like you don't know what's going to happen. It is history afterall. But the latin scholar inside of me cannot stay away. And really, neither should you.


Beth said...

I like it, and have watched the entire first season! Very excited for season 2. Except I will have to watch it OnDemand if it's on at the same time as my BSG.

Jalehlabad said...

The awesome thing about HBO is that they will show that weeks episode multiple times in a week. So, try to catch it on Monday nights instead of Sundays.

Beth said...

Ah, but I work Monday nights and then watch Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations at 10. But I will definitey catch them one way or another, no fear.

Roll The Dice said...

I wish I had HBO! I can't wait to see it when it's released on DVD!

Unknown said...

The bus stop across from campus had one of these ads: "Mark Anthony is a Coward." Pretty cool!

Anonymous said...

I am so stoked for Sunday. Woot!
