Wednesday, January 31, 2007

WSOPC: Big Bucks, No Whammy

So, B-Mart alluded to my weekend plans with her and GMYH over on her blog. I can tell you with great ease that I am filled with equal parts fear, doubt, hope, thoughts of world domination, and pop culture. I really have no idea how this will play out. All I can hope for is that we frakkin' bring it. I know I plan on being as on my game as I can be. Either way, I imagine copious amounts of alcohol will be imbibed following our trial by fire. Wow, if you read that sentence you might think I was taking the ACT and not a quiz about movies, music, and television.

In other news, I am all caught up on the brilliant Battlestar Galactica. There really are just no words for how frakkin' awesome this show is. As I called, season three made so much more sense to me once I had seen the miniseries and the first two seasons. Now I wish I had bought that Frakkin' Toaster shirt Glarkware had on sale a few months back. My only hope is that they offer it up again sometime soon. I really can't wait for the upcoming episodes which I am calling "The Passion of Gauis." Seriously, is James Callis rocking the Anglo-Jesus look or what?*

So, Gilmore last night. B-Mart, I am sure we are to disagree as you like the Chris and I do not. So, I was glad to see him leave, although it was quite babyish. However, I kind of felt badish for him last night reading that letter. It was more like an exasperated, "DUH, tard boy. How did you not remember that you were never a father to Rory. God. And aren't you the tool who frakked Lor three seconds after she left her fiance'? How are you not the rebound guy? Sigh. Why do I take this stuff so seriously?" Also, poor Grandpa Gilmore. They better not hurt him or else.

Lastly, I finished the Jane Eyre miniseries on PBS. As someone on TWoP said, Toby Stephens is "TEH SEX and I want to lick him." To that I say, "word". Now, I am watching the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejuidice. I've never seen it before. And nobody plays stick in the mud like Firth. So far, part one was pretty darn good. Unfortch, the wet shirt scene is in part two. Why does Netflix vex me so? And, since Bill brought up Bridget Jones, I thought those of you who like P&P might find this piece from the cutting room floor wherein Bridget interviews Colin Firth (like in the second book) pretty funny.

*Sorry to possibly spoil Bill but you can't get me addicted to a show and then expect me to never speak of it.


Beth said...

OMG!!! I can't believe you have never seen Pride and Prejudice with the delicious Colin. It is so freaking good. He is PERFECT, but then that is his original Darcy-esque role. Mmmm, Darcy...

Unknown said...

I saw part of the PBS Jane Eyre, though Becka had to tell me what it was. It was pretty interesting -- I liked the main gal.

In BSG news, I'm half way through 2.5 and can't believe the crazy plot twists. Should finish the rest in a week or so, and then I can watch the Webisodes. :)