Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Better late than never?

Sorry Robyn for not posting this sooner. But I really loved and a little bit disliked last night's Gilmore Girls episode. Here's the breakdown.

The Beloved:

Luke punched Christopher. Fucking Christopher.

Kirk as faux Luke. That was pretty damn funny.

Rory's complete smackdown of Lorelai for sleeping with Fucking Christopher. I think Rory looked as hurt as Luke did.

The Lorelai meltdown. I'll admit that I got choked up a bit after the grocery store run in.

The Bad:

Luke telling Lorelai she's supposed to be with someone like Christopher and he'll just pour her coffee. First off, no. Lor may have been reared in the upper class but she ain't one of them. And no one deserves a douche like Fucking Christopher.

Liz telling Luke that he and Lorelai were on different planes. I am not so sure I agree with that assessment. Also, TJ's voice just annoys me.

The Horrible:

Lane is pregnant. Why would they do this to her character? Does someone on the writing staff really hate Lane or rather, Keiko? Because no one in a fledging rock band who has been married for about two weeks is going to want a baby. I do not see hilarity ensuing. Especially since they made Lane hate sex. God. Is it wrong that I hope she miscarries or something?

All in all, it really felt like the Gilmore Girls of olden days. I don't know about the rest of my fellow GG lovers but I am not missing ASP.

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