Thursday, October 19, 2006

What a long, strange trip it's been

After thirteen months, I can finally say I have seen every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. I have to say that over all seasons three and five were my favorites in Angelverse.

Season five ended so strangely to me. I mean, it doesn't make sense to me to go on a suicide mission. Especially when that mission involves Spike. Why are you putting Spike in harm's way, Angel? However, I would have to say it was an interesting way to end the show. But before I talk about the finale, I want to speak for a second about The Girl in Question. That episode had me laughing out loud. All the Spike and Angel jealousy over The Immortal. He's been stealing their chics for centuries. Ha! I think the chemistry between Angel and Spike is fabulous. Spike brings the funny in big ways. Also, I call foul on Andrew dating women. That dude is gay; there is no other reason why he would love Warren so much.

Anyway, on to the final episode. I liked how it played out generally. I loved that Lorne killed Lindsey. Man, the anger that Lindsey had about Angel sending Lorne to kill him was so believable. "Angel was supposed to kill me," indeed Lindsey. A fitting end to a fun bad guy. Wes's death actually made me cry. I liked that Illyria turned into Fred for Wes's final moments. It seemed fitting that Fred was a part of the finale. Connor's return was even welcome. I liked the one-on-one scene with Angel and Connor. It's nice that Connor wasn't a whiny asshole and even gasp thanked gasp Angel.

The open ended way they left it makes me wish Angel would have had a season six. It would be interesting to see who survives. And, if Spike lives, does this mean that he is human now? I think that would make for an interesting story line. How would Spike react to being a real boy and not having super Vamp strength and immortality? And how would Angel deal with signing away the prophecy? I've heard movie rumors going around but I wouldn't be shocked if that never happens. Guess I will have to come to my own conclusions.

I was planning on getting into Firefly but I really want to catch up on the back story of Battlestar Galactica. So, I am going to watch BSG before getting back into Joss territory.

Current Listen: World Without Sound ~ Roseanne Cash, Black Cadillac


Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, so much to say, but I'll restrain myself...

Yes, I LURVE that Lorne (it's Lorne, not Loren--short for Krevlornswath of The Deathwok Clan...heee) killed Lindsey. It was so right-on. Lindsey always imagined himself to be the big-bad but in reality he was small potatoes, and therefore didn't get the death he imagined he deserved. Awesome!

Wesley's death was KILLER. SO sad, and they played it out devastatingly with Fred appearing and all. Sigh.

The Girl in Question is fantastic. I loved that we never actually saw her, but that it gives us a clue about Buffy's life-after-Hellmouth. Plus, yes, the boys are hilarious! They were always funniest when they were allowed to be dumb boys together.

Anyway, if you were sad at the way Angel ended (they didn't know for sure that it would be the end until the season was well-underway, hence the quick coming together of a (non)resolution), you will be devastated at the end of Firefly b/c there's no closure. Bastards at Fox!!! Thank goodness for Serenity! The season was just finding its totally awesome groove when it was cancelled and production stopped.

Okay, I'm going to do something productive now.

Jalehlabad said...
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Jalehlabad said...

All the misspelled Lornes are fixed now. Oopsie. Anyway, I always did love the litle joke of Lorne Green and Lorne's green. Hee. Yes, I am that big of a dork.