Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Frakkin Beth

Beth, I could kill you for getting me into Battlestar Galactica. It's brilliant and written better than anything I have watched since Everwood. I am only sorry haven't started watching until now. I feel a little lost but I get the feeling that by the fourth or fifth episode I will have a good deal of it figured out. Now here's the thing though, Beth. I have started watching Buffy, Angel, Firefly (well, it's in the netflix queue) and now Battlestar Galactica. Have you even tried to watch an hour of Everwood?

Battlestar Galactica scares me a little mostly because America = Cylon. Freaky deaky! This show is spot on with it's interesting political intrigue. Who would have thought that a revamped 70's show could be so awesome? Anyway, I like the show very much which is sort of the last thing I need right now because I am enjoying too many new shows this season. Something is going to have to get cut soon. More than likely that something will be Six Degrees. Sorry, J.J.

Besides television I have become obsessed with Trader Joe's. I make my trek every Sunday to fill up on delicious goodies. Their sun-dried tomato and basil hummus is frakkin awesome. Also, their spanikopita rules too. Anyway, if you've never been to Trader Joe's you should check them out. Pretty rocking place.

ETA: I think some people coughRobyncough thought I would be mad about last night's Gilmore Girls. Well, you're wrong. I've accepted that Lorelai will be dating Chris. I didn't say I liked it but I have accepted it as a given. So, fine. Let's see how this plays out. The funny thing is, I really used to like Christopher. I always thought they have good chemistry. But as his character played itself out; Chris just seems really selfish to me. I suppose we will have to watch and see.

On the Lane front, while I am unhappy that she remains pregnant, it was good to see she and Zach were going to attempt the nasty again. In a bed this time. And I liked the Rory and Logan dirty texting. Hee. And that she stole it from Paris and Doyle. Bigger hee.


Unknown said...

BSG is the shizzle!

Anonymous said...

Jaleh, if you like cilantro you should try the cilantro salad dressing from Trader Joe's. YUM! tcw

Jalehlabad said...

Good call on the salad dressing, Tricia. I will have to check that out since I do love me some cilantro.

Anonymous said...

Touche. You are very right, I have not checked out Everwood, and for that I am sorry. The library doesn't have it and I am too cheap to rent it. But I will try to catch it on TV--tell me again on what station they're re-airing it?

But in other news, SQUEEE!!! SO excited that you liked BSG. Just wait until you've seen the first two seasons, that makes this season all the more awesome...

Jalehlabad said...

Everwood in on ABCFamily at either 4pm or 5pm. Don't know which time slot it airs in on EST. You are going to catch it just about halfway through season one. But if you feel lost, check out the recaps on TWOP. Hey, Jessie loves Everwood too.

Anonymous said...

I totally believe you that's it's good. I'm just lazy.