Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Frak me

There have been rumors going around the internets that bad things (FRAKKIN CHRISTOPHER) are afoot in Stars Hollow. And now, there is confirmation. Don't click on this link unless you really want to know how badly I hate Lorelai Gilmore right this second.

Link to hellish news. Frakkin Palladinos and their studip storylines and the mess they left. Although, I suppose I can't really blame this one on them. Stupidheads.


Anonymous said...

You know, I am not that upset by the news. I have been HATING Luke lately, and they have no chemistry anymore, whereas she does have chemistry and history with Chris (I started to really like in the last ep). So I'm interested to see how this goes. And besides, Rosenthal pretty much admitted in that interview that Luke and Lorelai aren't over, and that they'll probably get together in the future...

Jalehlabad said...

I know. I know. But still. I don't want her first marriage to be to Chris. GRRRR. I would have accepted Max but not Chris. I guess I still don't see how he has really changed and grown as a person.