Friday, October 27, 2006

This is messed up

You know, I think I have done a pretty good job of keeping this blog lighthearted and politics free. I never wanted this space to become a polarizing place where I would offend people like Mike or Bill or whoever. But somedays I come across a news story that really makes me sick.

In Ohio, good thing you moved out of there before you had kids Andrew and Jessie, some peewee footballers show us just how far we have come in our fight against racism. You know, I don't totally blame the kids; someone must have put that idea in their head or heard it and said, "Great Idea, Adolf". Clearly their parents bought them the paint and the wigs, the frying pans, and then drove their punk asses to the football game. And that is just wrong. These people should really be ashamed but I am sure they aren't. Most racists aren't ashamed of their behavior.

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