Thursday, October 12, 2006

Disgust with BMG

There was a time when I really liked BMG. You know, the company that sells you cds for really cheap. That time may have had something to do with my "roommates" Karl Rove, Condoleezza Rice, and Karen Hughes getting a lot of cds for free and they just gave them to me. Some of you who hung out at my apartment then may not remember seeing my roommies but always know they were present in spirit. Anyway, I recently rejoined BMG. It's a good way to beef up your cd collection with old stuff for pretty cheap. However I have been having an issue with shipping recently. The last two orders I put in to BMG never came. I was charged but they never came. Or at least they didn't until I emailed them to remind them that charging me for goods I never received is a bad way to practice business.

But yesterday was the real kicker. See, I am on the email me and I will tell you if I want this month's chosen selection list. Well, I forgot to check that other email address for a couple of weeks. So, I got sent some cd I will most likely never listen to. What irks me is the items I ordered in August have yet to arrive but guess what I get yesterday? You'd be right if you said the monthly selection. Guess who is getting another email from me today? BMG, that's who.

In other news about my mail, somehow I have been subscribed to Sporting News. Why and how this happened is a mystery to me. I am sure I know some guy who might want these magazines. I know I won't be reading them. Unless, I can read up on the Bengals. Then maybe I would have a clue who Robyn is talking about when she starts the football chatter. Hee.

On the Angel front, I am steadily making my way through season five. Spike just got his hands cut off. That was frakkin disturbing. I am elated to see Lindsay back on the screen though. Interested to see how this all plays out. Also, is it possible that Wes just gets hotter and hotter each episode? I think it might be the case.


Anonymous said...

Mmmm, Lindsay! He is pretty freaking cute. Also, yes, it is entirely possible that Wes got cuter with each ep. That's what happens when you're a rogue demon hunter!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll be very disappointed to hear, it's Thursday afternoon and I'm shortly headed over to an exciting faculty meeting. I know it's torture not to be there with me. Let's not talk about Spike without his hands. Too stressful. He will be at my Halloween party, though, hands intact.
If The Sporting News has any Bengals stories, save them for me. Especially pictures of Chad Johnson.
