Thursday, October 05, 2006

I think I might like television shows

Last night I sat down to watch a couple of episodes of Angel season five (aka Season Spike!). They were pretty good, in case you were wondering. I am loving the interactions between Angel and Spike. I think it brings a level of wit and humor that the show has been lacking for a while. My one real complaint is that Gunn is always in a suit. I get it; he's the lawyer man now but can't we see him in jeans and a tee every now and again?

Also, I have to say that Lost just didn't do it for me last night. I mean, we really got very little info on the Others and we are basically right where we were at the beginning of the episode. I don't know if I am sticking around for the whole season of this show. I am going to see how the next few weeks play out.

In other news, I loved the Project Runway reunion show. It was pretty fun. Although, Keith pretty much solidified himself as a total ass. I am so sure the producers sabotaged you and that a P.A. told you to leave. Take some responsibility for your actions, dude. I am excited to see what happens in the final two episodes. Who will win? I've purposely avoided looking at the collections online so I can be surprised when they come down the runway. And, congrats to Michael for winning fan fave (and how cute were those braces?). If I had voted, he would have gotten my vote.

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