Thursday, September 21, 2006

Dear Fall, It's me, Jalehlabad

I love Fall; it's my favorite season. It's perfect jeans, tees, sweater, and converse weather. I love when the leaves change colors and makes everything orange, yellow, and red. I can't wait to see my new neighborhood under Fall's influence. You might think that since I live in a city now that I don't see many trees but you would be wrong. My neighborhood is tree filled and I live by several parks and a botanical garden. So, I am not too far from nature.

Anyway, for the last few mornings things have been a bit chilly. It generally warms up in the afternoon but I am liking the chilly mornings. Of course, that is until I have to start scraping my car windows. But that is winter and I never said I liked winter. I am ready for fall. I am ready to shut off the a.c. and have the windows and the patio door open. In fact, minus the patio door, that is the condition of my apartment right now.

In other news, Project Runway was a repeat last night. Thanks for the head's up, Marissa. So I spent the evening with my second favorite vamp, Angel. He's not Angel anymore though. Now he's big, bad Angelus. I can't help but think things are going to get worse before they get better. Anyway, I like that David Boreanz seems to have fun playing Angelus. Also, Wesley just gets hotter and hotter as the show goes on. I don't really like the triangle of Wes, Gunn, and Fred but whatever. I can live with it if it means less Connor on my screen.

Finally, I am going to buy some OK GO/Death Cab for Cutie concert tickets at lunch. Who's jealous?

1 comment:

Beth said...

I AM JEALOUS!!! I wonder if they're coming to Indy...

Meanwhile--Fall is my absolute favorite season, too, Jal! Something about growing up in the midwest. The section of Indiana where I grew up is particularly beautiful in the fall--in a few weeks it will be prime foliage season. Huzzah! Also, I don't even have my windows open and my apt has been borderline chilly. Yay for low electric bills!