Monday, September 25, 2006

My addiction: television

As Beth discussed on her blog, there are several new shows that have caught my interest this television season. I don't know how I am going to keep all these new shows in addition to the stuff I already watch.

Last night, I watched Brothers and Sisters. Beth liked it and so did I. However many critics seem to hate this show. I found it pretty believable in the way siblings relate. Plus, Ron Rifkin was creepy even when he wasn't Sloan. I've said it before and I will say it again, Greg Fucking Berlanti. I actually squealed when I saw his name on the screen. I will follow this man anywhere. So, this one is a keeper.

I also watched Six Degrees this week. Like Beth, I am slightly on the fence about this show but I do like Campbell Scott. And, I think my J.J. Abrams love is well known on this blog.

I feel like I am completely copying Beth here but I am really looking forward to Heroes tonight, the premier of Gilmore Girls tomorrow, and Ugly Betty later this week. I have noticed that I am watching more ABC than just about anything these days. Let's do a tally:

ABC: Grey's Anatomy, Brothers and Sisters, Six Degrees, Ugly Betty
CW: Gilmore Girls
NBC: Heroes, Studio 60

Also, I am curious to see what is going to happen with What about Brian and I am not sure how I can watch The O.C. at the same time as Ugly Betty as I only have one t.v. and I haven't figured out how to watch a show and tivo another. Sigh.

Also, for all you t.v. lovers out there Everwood begins syndication on October 2. My tivo is already set. In fact, I am thinking about buying a tivo specifically dedicated to Everwood. I'm totally serious, y'all.

1 comment:

Beth said...

What did you think of GG???